Kartoffelsalat (German Potato Salad) – Germany

Posted 1 CommentPosted in By Country, Easy to make, European recipes, Germany, One pot, Potatoes, Recipes, Salads, Side dishes, Starch, Vegetable, Vegetarian

Generally, my husband is not big on starches (potatoes, rice, pasta) other than whole grains. BUT when I mentioned a tangy german potato salad with no mayo, his eyes lit up and he asked if we could have it that evening. I let him know we could, but it would be best for it to […]

Frikadellen (German hamburgers) – Germany

Posted 1 CommentPosted in By Country, Easy to make, European recipes, International cuisine, Main dishes, meat, Recipes, Top 10

As I was watching YouTube videos for Frikadellen I realized that the way my mom makes hamburgers is essentially the German way, minus the mustard and the bread crumb coating. Growing up we used beef. As my husband does not really eat beef or pork, I used ground turkey. I recommend buying the 85% lean […]