Burmese Recipes
- Nga phe thoke (Burmese salad with fish cakes) – Burma - Winding down the B’s…B is for Brother, Buddhist, Bhante, Burma and Blog. Tonight’s stop on our culinary voyage was inspired by my Brother, Bhante Bhikkhu Subhuti who lives in….Myanmar, formerly known as Burma…and to some, still known as Burma. My brother is a Buddhist monk who has been living in a monastery for years. He […]
- Burmese Kaukswe (Tofu with Yellow Coconut Curry) – Burma - We decided to do another burmese dish in tribute to my brother Bhikkhu Subhuti, who was kind enough to help me make this blog a reality. In his other life (pre-monk life) he was a highly skilled programmer… and now he occassionally uses his skills to help others, but generally tries not to spend to […]
French Recipes
- Poached Pears with Chocolate Sauce (Poires en Cagoule de Perpignan) – France - French Poached Pears with Chocolate Sauce (Poires en Cagoule de Perpignan) is that absolute perfect dessert for any meal. Because it is fruit, it feels light and refreshing. Visually it is appealing and flavor-wise it packs a punch. The way the pear juices subtly infuse the wine reduction makes is the secret to the chocolate […]
- Clafoutis aux Cerises (Cherry Clafoutis) – France - Summertime means fresh fruit and where there is fresh fruit there are fresh fruit desserts! You may be familiar with cobbler and pies, but are you familiar with Cherry Clafoutis? Clafoutis is a traditional French dish dating back at least 2000 years to medieval times! Basically it is a cross between a flan and a […]
- Pistou – French vegetable stew - I have been debating what dish or dishes to feature for France for quite some time as I am a big fan of French food. After a bit of a break from the blog, some reflection and savoring the fresh flavors of summer, I decided to go with Pistou (pronounced Pea-stew – but which is […]
- Galette des Rois (3 Kings Cake) – France - In honor of 3 Kings Day, I made a Galette des Rois, also known as a Pithivier. It has been bucket list to make since I was 20 when I first tried it at least 10 times in one week during my junior year abroad in Rouen, France. It is not an understatement to say […]
- Vol au vent (Chicken and mushrooms in puff pastry), Succès praliné (Praline Dacquois) – France - My friend, James, had asked me what I was planning to make for France on our cullinary tour du monde. Actually, I had planned to skip France as I cook French food all the time. But his question got me thinking…hmmmm, what would I like to make, that I have never made before? The answer…vol […]
burma grid
Nga phe thoke (Burmese salad with fish cakes) – Burma - Winding down the B’s…B is for Brother, Buddhist, Bhante, Burma and Blog. Tonight’s stop on our culinary voyage was inspired by my Brother, Bhante Bhikkhu Subhuti who lives in….Myanmar, formerly known as Burma…and to some, still known as Burma. My brother is a Buddhist monk who has been living in a monastery for years. He […]
Burmese Kaukswe (Tofu with Yellow Coconut Curry) – Burma - We decided to do another burmese dish in tribute to my brother Bhikkhu Subhuti, who was kind enough to help me make this blog a reality. In his other life (pre-monk life) he was a highly skilled programmer… and now he occassionally uses his skills to help others, but generally tries not to spend to […]