Slowly making our ways through the B’s. Last night was Burundi. SALADE AFRICAINE KACHUMBARI. Very tasty. They soak their onions in salt water before putting them in the salad. Apparently a similar salad is eaten in other African countries like Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Checked out on a map where it was located and read some facts about Burundi that led to a short history lesson for Eva on the tensions between the Tutsi and the Hutu. Made a tasty and super easy bean and onion dish from Burundi that I didn’t have time to make the other day, Biharage – Haricots rouges aux oignons confits.

2 thoughts on “Salade Africaine Kachumbari (Advocado and tomato salad) & Biharage (Red beans with onion confit) – Burundi”
The onion soaking reminds me of the Peruvian salad – Salsa Criolla which also soaks the onions in salt. As for the Tutsi and Hutu issues, there was a really good movie called ‘Hotel Rwanda’ with Don Cheadle. Believe this was based on a true story. Beautiful pictures again 🙂
Will definitely try the salad when we get to the P’s. Open for any other suggestions. Chicken, turkey, fish are good. Scott does not really eat red meat, and we don’t eat fried things. A dessert would be cool too. 🙂 Hotel Rwanda still haunts me. Definitely a fabulous film. Eva still gets scared by things like Murder She Wrote and won’t read or watch the Harry Potter movies (although with the author’s awful comments, that one is off the list permanantly now) so have to wait a bit to watch it as a family.